Resep kesehatan Saya telah menonton perang kata-kata mengenai citra Ronald McDonald, wajah ikon balik rantai makanan cepat saji McDonald. Sama seperti Man Marlboro, dia mungkin sangat baik jatuh di pinggir jalan dan menjadi sepotong kecil dari masa lalu Amerika.

Diperkenalkan pada tahun 1963, Ronald McDonald dikenal di seluruh dunia untuk rambut oranye nya, badut-seperti kehadiran, dan bakatnya untuk menjual hamburger. Ini adalah item terakhir yang ia berada di bawah api. Nah, Ronald dan departemen pemasaran perusahaan yang menghabiskan lebih dari satu miliar dolar per tahun untuk iklan. Anda lihat, orang yang memprotes pengaruh Ronald dan menempatkan menyalahkan di pundaknya untuk epidemi obesitas di saat anak-anak kita (dan orang dewasa yang pernah mencintai Ronald).

Fakta Tentang kehamilan saat ini Angka kelahiran dan aborsi di kalangan remaja AS jatuh ke rekor terendah pada tahun 2008 sebagai peningkatan penggunaan kontrasepsi dikirim tingkat remaja kehamilan keseluruhan ke level terendah setidaknya sejak 1972, sebuah studi menunjukkan pada hari Rabu.

Namun kesenjangan antara kelompok-kelompok ras dan etnis terus bertahan, dengan remaja kulit hitam dan Hispanik mengalami kehamilan dan tingkat aborsi dua sampai empat kali lebih tinggi daripada rekan-rekan putih mereka, Institut Guttmacher, kesehatan nirlaba kelompok riset seksual yang dilakukan analisis, kata.

Artikel kesehatan tidak jelas Sebuah teknik psikologi yang mendorong pasien untuk berpikir positif dan mendapatkan kepercayaan membantu beberapa dengan tekanan darah tinggi dan penyakit jantung tongkat untuk pengobatan dan tujuan latihan, menurut penelitian baru.

Tetapi strategi - dikenal sebagai pengaruh positif dan penguatan diri, atau hanya afirmasi positif - tidak selalu membawa manfaat kesehatan yang jelas. Dan tidak jelas apakah ada perbaikan dalam gaya hidup akan berlanjut setelah dorongan ekstra berhenti.

Omega 3 dapat mengurangi penyakit jantung Dalam sebuah studi baru sekitar 3.000 orang dewasa yang lebih tua, mereka yang memiliki tingkat tertinggi omega-3 asam lemak dalam darah mereka adalah 30 persen lebih kecil kemungkinannya untuk mengembangkan detak jantung tidak teratur selama 14 tahun ke depan dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan terendah kadar omega-3s.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Serangan jantung biasanya paling umum pada hari kerja dan pagi, terutama hari Senin, tapi baru analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pola terbalik di New Orleans setelah Badai Katrina.

"Fakta bahwa itu seperti pergeseran kutub yang berlawanan benar-benar mengejutkan," kata pemimpin penulis Dr Matthew Peters dari Tulane University Reuters Health.

Eye health is something that is often forgotten. It is therefore important for you to always carry out regular checks of your eyes.

Here are some myths associated with eye health doctor denies Norden.

1. Reading in dim light worsen your vision:

Reading in dim light does not worsen your vision.

As you read in dim light, it is clear mungkinlebih difficult to make out what you are reading and may cause eye strain.

2. Eating carrots improves eyesight

Well this is false for most of us, if you do not live in a third world country where there may be a shortage of dietary vitamin A.

Eating carrots will not improve your vision.

3. Computer use can damage eyes

Excessive computer use can give you eye strain.

Moreover, it can lead to dry eye symptoms-but this is only temporary.

You simply rest your eyes for five minutes and close your eyes before starting again in front of the computer.

4. Wearing glasses makes you more dependent on them:

Well, if you need glasses psychologically it becomes clear vision.

But it will not be a dependency for you to continue to wear glasses.

5. Wearing the wrong prescription will damage eyes

Wearing the wrong prescription can improve or worsen your eyes.
Behind the soft, female store enormous power, even more powerful than men. If you've often thought "Ah .. I right ladies, weak ..." then read this article to the end. Every woman's saving surplus, quoted from Cosmopolitan:

More Clean and Tidy

Iya dong .. This excess of females than males. The majority of women have a neater room than men (if they both do not use the services of a housekeeper). This is supported by a study carried San Diego State University. They found that his office desk more bacteria than a table occupied by women. Differences occurred because women are more able to keep clean than men.

Safer Driving Car

Women often consider many things, so that affects how they drive cars, including the observance of wearing a seat belt. This becomes an advantage, because based on research from Carnegie Mellon University shows that men are more often the victims killed in a car crash 77 percent more than women.

Through stage Better Job Interview

In the world of work, women are more advanced and can be said to be almost equal with men. In fact, women today are more intelligent and alert during job interviews than men. Research conducted by the University of Western Ontario found that she could control her stress during a job interview, so that they appear more vibrant than men. In addition, women are more often prepared well big day, including the day on which he will conduct a job interview.

Women More Skilled Set, Including Finance

If we assume the president head of the family, then his wife was finance minister. The term does not only apply in Indonesia, due to the proven fact that women are more skilled set a lot of things, including finances. Let's see how this was set up by his wife in the home, not to mention if it works. Men often give up when changing diapers, on the other hand, women can change baby diapers to clean while discussing business with a friend over the phone. So do not be surprised if the woman is often considered to be chatty, like bargain prices and super-efficient when setting salaries of their husbands, it's actually part of the financial management system.

Women Better Health

Who is the most talkative of healthy food? Woman, wife, sister, sister .. Yes, women are more concerned with all the things that smelled of health than men, and even general health, not just their own health. According to the survey conducted by the University of Minnesota, more women than men choose healthy foods. It is definitely influential when she got married, many men were sullen as hobby 'enak'nya be trimmed. Hey, it's because we care about you.

Better Immune System

More female babies who survive in adverse conditions than boys, this is evidence that from birth, women have immune systems are better than men. Secret protection is a great body of the female hormone, estrogen. Research conducted by McGill University showed that the hormone may fight infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

More Women Longevity

Age is the mystery of God, we are just trying to be longevity. Now, a study from the New England Centenarian shows that the population of the world to people who can reach the age of 100 years, 85 percent of whom are women. In general, women on average live longer than men, about 5 to 10 years.

Makin Pretty From Time to Time

Have you ever noticed that the woman's face changes from time to time? Pay attention to women fifty years ago, their faces more rounded, fuller hips. Compare this with the modern women, face more gaunt and most no longer have wide hips women decades ago. We are still in the revolution, in which the changes to the physical changes continue to occur. Although not a flashy look different, but women are more beautiful over time. Recent research has shown that women are more beautiful, while men remain mediocre from time to time.

That's some woman greatness. Should be proud dong given the opportunity to live as a woman ;)
Perawatan Kulit Jika Anda memiliki bintik-bintik coklat yang tidak diinginkan, bintik-bintik gelap atau bercak gelap menyebar di wajah Anda atau tempat-tempat lain, dan Anda ingin mereka lenyap sepenuhnya, memberikan kejelasan kulit dan kecantikan abadi Anda, maka Anda akan ingin untuk mengobati bintik-bintik cokelat Anda dengan Cure Keajaiban kami . Epilators seperti Silk Epil dari Braun menghilangkan rambut dari akar, dan sehingga mereka mirip 

Tips Diet sederhana Membuat memasak sederhana dan menyenangkan: Alih-alih menjadi terlalu peduli dengan menghitung kalori atau mengukur ukuran porsi, memikirkan diet Anda dalam hal warna, variasi dan kesegaran-maka harus lebih mudah untuk membuat pilihan yang sehat. Fokus pada makanan Anda menemukan cinta dan resep mudah yang menggabungkan beberapa bahan-bahan segar dan serat seperti gandum Quaker. Secara bertahap, diet Anda akan menjadi lebih sehat dan lebih lezat.
Mulai lambat dan membuat perubahan pada kebiasaan makan Anda dari waktu ke waktu. Mencoba untuk membuat diet sehat Anda dalam semalam tidak realistis atau pintar. Mengubah semuanya sekaligus biasanya menyebabkan kecurangan atau menyerah pada pola makan baru Anda. Membuat langkah-langkah kecil, seperti menambahkan salad (penuh sayuran warna yang berbeda) untuk diet Anda sekali sehari atau beralih dari mentega ke minyak zaitun saat memasak. Seperti perubahan kecil Anda menjadi kebiasaan, Anda dapat terus menambahkan lebih banyak pilihan sehat untuk diet Anda.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2013

